People sitting in pews

Community Ministries and Groups

Our community ministries at St. Padre Pio are the heart of our parish, embodying the spirit of service and solidarity. Together, these community ministries reflect our parish's commitment to living out the Gospel message of love, compassion, and solidarity. Through their collective efforts, they inspire us to deepen our faith, strengthen our bonds of fellowship, and actively engage in building a more just and compassionate society.

St. Padre Pio Youth Group (Edge Grades 6-8)
St. Padre Pio Parish uses The EDGE program designed for students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. Edge is a Catholic youth ministry program, focusing on the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of young individuals. Early adolescence is a crucial and transformative period in one's life, characterized by significant changes. Edge offers a unique opportunity to guide, support, and share Jesus' love with youth who are navigating numerous options and decisions. Additionally, students are welcome to invite their friends to join Edge for a meaningful experience. Now more than ever, we need good friends to support our faith journey in life! The Youth Group meets at St. Padre Pio Parish for bi-weekly sessions on Saturdays from 6:15 PM to 8:15 PM, following the 5:00 PM Mass. The first session will start on November 2, 2024!
Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women’s League is a nation-wide organization of Catholic women, 16 years of age and over, who come together to grow as a family, to develop spiritually, and to deal with common concerns in the local parish, the schools and wider community. The Convenorships allow them to reach out to all the different areas that affect our lives. The Convenorships are Organization, Christian Family Life, Community Life, Spiritual Development, Education, Resolutions and Legislation.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal, family oriented organization whose watchword is charity. Their volunteer work involves community activities such as Youth Programs, Summer Camps for children, Boy Scouts, sponsorship of minor hockey and baseball teams etc. They are also involved in the church with membership in various parish ministries and organizations, the care of the needy and less fortunate through feeding and clothing of the poor and donating to food banks; and also the care of the handicapped and aged.
Click Here to Visit the St. Padre Pio Knights Website
St. Vincent de Paul
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is: To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. The Mission of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul implies that as Vincentians we see Christ in anyone who suffers, come together as a family, have personal contact with the poor and help in all possible ways.