Reading the Bible

Educational Ministries

At St. Padre Pio, our educational ministries are dedicated to nurturing spiritual growth and deepening understanding of our faith. Through the Children's Liturgy Programs for children, Sacrament Preparation Program for First Communion and Confirmation, and R.C.I.A. classes, we provide opportunities for all ages to engage with scripture, tradition, and theology. These educational ministries aim to empower individuals to live out their faith authentically and to grow in their relationship with God and one another.

Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy
A Children’s Liturgy Program is offered at the weekend Masses during the school year. The children experience the Liturgy of the Word at their own level of understanding and then return to their parents during the Preparation of the Gifts for the rest of the Mass. Adult volunteers help lead these sessions as well as to supervise. Books and material for each Sunday’s lesson are provided. Volunteers serve on a rotational basis.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a ministry of evangelization. It prepares non-baptized candidates for baptism by acquainting them with the Word of God, making them familiar with the laws and practices of the Church and introducing them into the community of the faithful. The candidates meet with the catechists and sponsors from October to April. Candidates, sponsors and catechists are required for this ministry.
Sacrament Preparation
Sacrament Preparation Program
Sacrament Preparation is offered for children attending Catholic, public and private schools who are preparing to receive the sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Sacrament Preparation represents a multifaceted approach to faith formation, recognizing that children's spiritual journeys may begin in different contexts. Regardless of where they receive their formal education, all children are invited to participate in this program, fostering a sense of unity within the faith community. Dedicated volunteers facilitate classes, retreats, and prepare children for receiving the sacraments. The Sacrament Preparation Program is a testament to the Catholic Church's commitment to nurturing young faith. It provides children with the knowledge, spiritual guidance, and community support needed to embark on their sacramental journey.
Click Here To Register for Sacrament Preparation Classes